About this course

  • Individual in-person practises

  • If you need to have a digital interface, Zoom / Facetime and Skype are your options

Where - When

  • Via Cesare Battisti 44 – Gazzada Schianno
  • To book your first session: call | write me a message.

Mindfulness and Yoga are complementary therapy tools
with the power to transform lives
on physical, emotional and spiritual levels.

Research has proven the benefits of these ancient practises in the management of mental health challenges like emotional stress, anxiety, addiction, disorganised eating patterns, depression and trauma recovery work and many more.

The beauty of these practises are in their simplicity and their wide reaching benefits in calming the mind while learning how to ‘love what is’, that rare ability we get to learn when we cultivate being present with who we are.

When you learn to ‘love what is’, you learn to let go of the past and to respond to, rather than react to, those incessant thoughts about the uncertainties of the future. As you ‘love what is’ you get to know yourself a bit better, you learn self compassion and how to trust our own basic goodness again so that you can take back the reins of your own life.

More about this course

Working with the body-mind as is the practice with Yoga and Somatic Mindfulness we get to regulate the central nervous system.

The traditions allow for deep exploration into the workings of different systems of the body and the mind.

This includes a healthy lifestyle for vitality and peace of mind, asana (yoga positions) and Pranayama (yogic breathing techniques. There are so many brilliant ways we can get into functional meditation and concentration practises (and it means something different for everyone) and relaxation techniques allow deep rest for the tender heart or mind.

Yoga and Somatic Mindfulness as complementary therapy doesn’t favour one style of yoga but allows the use of a combination of tools. Through embodiment practises we do become more flexible, not just in the body but more importantly in the mind.

All practises allow for personal observation. The transformational tools we learn will bring clarity, compassion and resilience back into your mind, your heart and your life so you can live better with yourself.

You can choose a time that works for you and your needs. Please talk to your mental health professional or your family doctor about the possibility for you to follow a tailor made course, today!

Practical info

Please bring your own yoga mat.

Practice duration 50/60min

Individual practises are offered in person at the studio in Gazzada Schianno. It is possible to practice digitally on Zoom, Skype and FaceTime.

Registration: directly in person.

Buy online

Please, contact me directly for your first practice so we can meet your needs right from the start.

Annual registration is € 20 (payable once a year directly at the studio)

Individual practises: € 60/ph + (2,50 handling fee) –
Buy it now

Let’s talk to each other! Tell me how I can help you.